Dr Paul McConaghy

Pain Management

Dr Paul McConaghy MB, Bch, BAO (1988); MD (1998);  FFARCSI (1993); Dip Pain Med; FFPMCAI (2008) is a Consultant in Pain Management and Anaesthesiology.  He has special interest and expertise in Complex Regional Pain Syndrome (CRPS), the management of pain after injury;   the management of refractory neuropathic pain; and the treatment of complex pain patients within a multi-disciplinary team.  He is a Member of the Regional Pain Management Expert Group and is a data collector for the (CRPS) UK Registry.

Dr McConaghy works from the offices of the Medical Associates in Belfast to provide a specialist medico legal service for Courts on behalf of both plaintiffs and defendants.  He has been providing expert witness/medico-legal reports throughout Ireland and the United Kingdom for around fifteen years.  As well as providing this service in Belfast, he also has medico-legal clinics in Ballykelly, Craigavon,  Dungannon,  Enniskillen, Lisburn and Newry.

Contact:   paulmcconaghy@me.com

(or Jacky, on behalf of Dr McConaghy –  at 07740 308112)

PMcC Medical Limited, 86 Castor Bay Road, Lurgan, Co Armagh.  BT67  9LF

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