Dr Monica Chogle is a fully trained Consultant in Pain Medicine, practicing in Northern Ireland.
She offers private pain consultations in:
Medical Associates, Belfast
She graduated from India (MBBS), followed by post graduation (MD Anaesthetics). Following her post graduation she underwent further higher training in cancer pain.
She undertook Advanced Pain Training in N Ireland as part of her anaesthetic training and was awarded CCT in Anaesthetics. She has been practicing as a Consultant in Pain Medicine in Antrim Hospital since 2011.
She specialises in Low Back Pain and Neck Pain management. She offers Radiofrequency Denervation for Facet Joint Pain and Epidurals for Acute Severe Sciatica. She has a keen interest in management of widespread pain syndromes such as Fibromyalgia which are very difficult to treat. Her special interests are pelvic pain in female patients and chronic post-surgical pain (Persistent pain after surgery). She is trained in Botox injections for Migraines and Myofascial Pain Syndromes.
She follows the Bio-Psycho-Social approach in chronic pain management. She helped develop the Pain Management Programme (PMP) in Northern HSC Trust.
AFFPM Associate Fellow of Faculty of Pain Medicine, London
CCT 2010 Northern Ireland
FCARCSI 2005 Dublin
MD 1999 Nagpur India
MBBS 1996 Nagpur India
Pain Training:
Advanced Pain Training 2010 Belfast
Higher Pain Training 2009 Belfast
Membership of Pain Societies:
Faculty Of Pain Medicine, London
British Pain Society, London
Northern Ireland Pain Society